I’m Gerardo J Valerio, the journal keeper of this place. I’ll be posting all of my stuff here. Graphics, animation, comics, videos and more for everyone’s enjoyment. I’ll be though talking about technical stuff like making 3D art and video games and such. I’ll keep it as original as possible so don’t worry.
As for personally reaching me, you can by emailing me at [email protected]
Enjoy the site!
Also – My Momentis page is: http://mariolegend.mymomentis.biz
Note: For those curiously wondered from DARKZETA.com, I’m just a regular guy who is passionate about developing games and with it a crazy dream that needs to become real soon. I love chocolate, and hugs. My fav color is red. If you are a fellow smash bros player, let’s do battle soon!
[schema type=”person” name=”Gerardo Valerio” orgname=”Valerius” jobtitle=”Proprietor” url=”ValeriusLegend.com” description=”I’m Gerardo J Valerio, a freelancer in graphic design and currently a game designer. My aspirations are to have my creative works to be known throughout the interwebs. I’m right now venturing into independent game development and hopefully be successful at it. I’m also a crohn disease sufferer but advocate to find solutions against it. I live in Boston but my second home will always be San Francisco. I’m hopeful one day to return to the bay area and share my knowledge to enthusiastic folks who are curious about me. Also, my blog is the centerpiece of my expressions. I have always used it to communicate my feelings and artistry. Now more than ever before I will be posting new features and behind the scenes development of my quest to be a game designer with that my art as well. – g – city=”BOSTON” state=”MA” country=”US” email=”[email protected]” ]